James E. Cherry

James E Cherry is the author of six books: a poetry chapbook, two full collections of poetry and two novels. His latest novel, Edge of the Wind, was published in 2016 from Stephen F Austin State University Press and will be re-released in a new edition in 2022. He has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award, a Lillian Smith Book Award and was a finalist for the Next Generation Indie Book Award for Fiction. His work has been published in Nigeria, Canada, France, and China, and is forthcoming out of Singapore. Cherry has an MFA in creative writing from the University of Texas at El Paso and resides in Tennessee.

POTM 2021


The workshop will engage participants with writing exercises that explore both our personal histories and those of political and social consequence.  The first half of the workshop will focus on the internal history of our lives that still influences who we are and directs our decisions today. This could include family dynamics, the death of a loved one, childbirth or miscarriage, sex and sexual/gender identity, etc.  The second half of the workshop will focus on the external forces of history and how they have shaped our worldview and our own humanity: The Covid19 pandemic, years of police brutality, right wingers and progressives, space travel, a woman's right to choose etc.


An Interview